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How to upload a list to Filter Clients

Filter Clients is a feature whereby you can upload a list of end-client domains, either as a CSV or comma-separated, which then enriches those domains with:

  • Agency data - do we have an agency they work with in the database?
  • Firmographic data
    • Monthly Revenue
    • Employee Count
    • Category
    • Country
  • Technographic data
    • Platform
    • Technology used
      • Reviews
      • CX
      • Loyalty
      • ESP
      • Subscription
      • Shipping
      • Analytics

The core use-case for this feature is that I have a list of target accounts and want to work with partners, whether technology or agency, to try and acquire them.

Here’s how to use it:

  1. Navigate to “Filter Clients” tab. Here you’ll see:
    • Area to Upload new list
    • Historic Uploads

Step 1

  1. On the left you can choose to upload a CSV or comma-separated list of accounts.
    1. Note, currently the list is limited to 100 domains.
    2. When uploading the CSV, use one column, with no title cell (e.g A1 is “clients”). Upload only domains.
    3. Give the upload a name.
    4. Once uploaded, click “save”.

Step 2

  1. Once a list is uploaded, it’ll appear at the bottom on the right hand side as the latest upload.
    1. Please allow 10-30 seconds for the list to upload depending on the size.
    2. Click on the latest upload.

Step 3

  1. You’ll now see which of the domains have the following data attached. Scroll left to right to reveal more columns of data:
    1. Agency
    2. Firmographic
    3. Technographic

Step 4

  1. Depending on your use-case, you can use the search bar to filter the list against which apps the domains work with.

    • For example, you can ask the following questions: Which of these domains works with our {insert_tech_partner_name}?
    • For example, if I search for “Gorgias”, the list will filter into all clients that work with Gorgias that I can engage with their team on:

Step 5

  1. You can also export all domains with all data attached.

Step 6

  1. Under the enriched list, you’ll see a list of each individual domain uploaded for future reference.

Step 7