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How to get alerts from Agencies

Alerts is a feature that enables you to get alerted when these data points are updated for an agency:

  • Gained new client
  • New employee started
  • New tech-partner

The principle is for you to highlight a list of Agencies you want to track these alerts for before getting a CSV update at the start of each month with the updates on that list. This list can have 2 attributes:

  • Agencies you currently manage and want to stay updated with
  • Agencies you want to win in the future, and will use this alerts as a “buying intent” signal to engage with the Agency

The core use-case for this feature is that I have a list of Agencies I want to engage with effectively, and I’ll use this unique information to increase conversion of that engagement.

Here’s how to use it:

  1. Navigate to “Alerts” tab

    1. Here you’ll see:
      1. Area to add or upload a new list
      2. Historic Alerts against that list Step 1
  2. Uploading your list

    1. You have 2 options here. Firstly, you can type in your list against the drop-down menu that will match against the database. For example, if I type in “underground” I can choose “Underground eCom” from the list to be set as an agency to track: Step 2
    2. Secondly, you can upload a CSV with a larger agency list Step 3
  3. Once list is uploaded, click Save

    1. The list will now be saved for future alerts on the following data points:
      • Client Change
      • Employee Change
      • Tech-partner Change
    2. Alerts are triggered at the start of each month, based on refreshing of the data in the database.
  4. Alert outputs

    1. Once an alert has been triggered, it will send you a CSV on email with the data on each Agency: Step 4
    2. The CSV will be formatted with the Agencies you’re tracking on the left-hand side, with Tech-partner change, Client change and Employee change as columns: Step 5
  5. Historic Records

    • All historic Alerts once sent are then stored in the Alerts tab under the list you’ve uploaded:
      Step 6